
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Movies in School: Not for Watching, but Creating!

It's no secret, my favorite iPad App this year is DoInk Green Screen. In January, I contributed to our Technology Department Reflective Practitioner blog, offering a review and confession of my addiction and adoration for Doink. The addition of a green screen to my lab made students see, think, and wonder what they could create with this mysterious green sheet!

Well, I am here to tell you, the possibilities of what they can create are endless. Never-mind the daily broadcast of our school news, WEGL-TV, created by "app-smashing" DoInk and iMovie, but the real fun came with a 3rd grade project creating newscasts about physical features. Third grade students spent a trimester researching, documenting in a collaborative Google Doc, collaborating and writing original scripts, filming, and editing the news cast to synthesize all they learned about a land form or water feature.

Today, we had a "viewing party" to watch and reflect on the process and end products. I am so proud of my students and their hard work! Stay tuned for more from my budding producers!

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